

About your guide

Lauren Holder

Lauren’s been dancing with Spirit for the past 10 years. What started as an interest in ghosts, turned into a full-on passion for all things intuitive, psychic and paranormal. She recalls countless moments as a child where her psychic abilities were strong. She would often have prophetic dreams, and could sense spirits around her. But she pushed these aside until 9 years ago when she was re-introduced to ghost hunts. She didn’t take this passion seriously until 2018 when her emotional world came crashing down. On and off in her twenties, she suffered from random but bad bouts of anxiety. During these waves she would feel disconnected from society, and from herself. However, the last bout in 2018 became a catalyst of change. The anxiety had impacted her eating, sleeping, relationships, self-image, sanity, and health. 

She had lost her sense of self and was stuck in a loop of overthinking. 

Lauren remember’s the the moment so vividly: one night she woke up – sweating, heart racing, anxiety pulsing through her mind and body. She took a deep breath and thought “this is not who I am, it’s simply something I’m experiencing. It doesn’t define me”. And it was at this time that she felt a strong presence, something that wasn’t of this world, that felt like a warm hug from a friend. And there began her journey into healing and connecting back to her soul. Spirit would often leave her signs and symbols that she was on that right track. It was not an easy process by any means (healing rarely is and everyone’s journey is different), but bit by bit she was able to put herself back together and start feeling like “her” again. She came out on the other side with a burning desire to work with the spiritual realm in a more serious way. After-all, her connection to the spirit world helped her immensely during this time of healing and Spiritual Awakening.

She truly believes she was meant to experience anxiety so that she could discover this path and serve others.

She needed this to occur so that she could have the realization that her passion for all things Spirit didn’t just have to be a hobby; it was something destined to be much more – a legacy. She is trained and skilled in the modalities that she teaches through her own accumulation of certifications, courses, spiritual development, mentorship, channeled messages, client work and soul wisdom. 

Lauren’s Spirit team says working with her is like a Trojan Horse – you don’t realize the potency of the magic until it enters your body and vastly expands. 

Simply put, people work with Lauren to experience magic.

Lauren focuses her time on teaching & coaching others on their spiritual development journey through her virtual group coaching programs, soul circles, retreats & ghost hunts. When she’s not speaking with spirit, you can find her cuddling/walking her two dogs, exploring museums, antique shopping, and spending time with loved ones.

You can also find her managing many of the different walks at The Ghost Walks.

-Certified Holistic Coach – Goal Imagery Institute
-Advanced Spiritual Hypnotherapy Program – Better Life Now with Susan Turner
-Psychic Development and Mediumship Training  – Dawn McConnell
-Akashic Records – Ashley Mondor
-Paranormal and Paranormal Investigations Training – The Ghost Walks
-NLP, Hypnosis and EFT studies – Yes Supply
-Various independent readings, learnings and hours of practice
-Currently completing my Bachelors + PhD in Para-Anthropology (includes Metaphysics, Parapsychology, Hypnosis, and Spiritual Counseling/Coaching) – IMHS Metaphysics Institute 
-Honors Bachelor of Commerce – McMaster University
-MBA – Ryerson University

This work is truly a coming home for me.
And I am so excited to help you find yours.


Spiritual Development for the Modern Soul.


Learn about the programs we offer - including Akashic Records Certification and Spiritual Development Group Coaching (coming soon).


Are you ready to unravel the hidden magic weaved throughout your bones?


Are you interested in psychic development and/or the paranormal? Look no further! Check out the programs, events, hunts and retreats I offer:


Join us for an intimate evening with spirit.


We will open the veil between worlds, and connect with the spirits, hearing their stories and learning about their lives during our Ghost Hunts.

Our Guiding Compass

We operate by a set of ethics and values that guide our decisions and actions. In alignment with our Spirit Team, these pillars set the foundation for how we want our light to be cast upon the world. 


Lauren Holder Flynn is not a licensed Therapist of any sort. Lauren Holder Flynn’s insight comes from her ability to connect to her intuition, her guides, and the other realms.

Lauren Holder Flynn, is not licensed medical doctors, naturopathic doctors, psychologists, psychotherapists, or licensed healthcare providers or practitioners of any kind. Lauren Holder Flynn does not provide medical advice or treatment of any kind, nor does it provide medical diagnosis.